MyRIO LDC 10 A – Laser Diode Controller
Goal: The main goal of this project was a development of Laser Diode power supply, programmatically controlled by standard NI MyDAQ/MyRIO boards.
Main features
- Fully open source. All schematics, wiring diagrams and LV2015 PDS source code are available.
- Designed for NI MyDAQ/MyRIO boards. All required IO signals are from the board, directly connected to 20 pin MyRIO screw terminal. In the case of MyDAQ board, additional UART to USB convertor have to be used.
- Commercial components for Laser Diode temperature control by a 20x20 [mm], 50 [W], Peltier element and programable CW Laser Diode power supply.
- Constant current monitoring and soft start/stop by ramping the current up or down.
- Up to 10 [A] diode current and up to 12 [V] laser diode voltage.
- LabView based user interface, with temperature and current monitoring (see picture above).
Diode laser control – the system was designed for commercial 25 W, 808 [nm] fiber coupled laser diode used as a standard pump source of Nd+3 doped laser crystals. Later this system was integrated into one of our picosecond laser systems, together with the precise temperature controller for the intra cavity frequency doubling nonlinear crystal. More information can be found on the project page.
In case of interest, do not hesitate to contact me and ask for more information.